Ek, is Dawid Soeker

New Release in Afrikaans

Delve into the captivating and inspiring story of Dawid Soeker, a young man who defies the limitations of his fatherless past. Driven by unwavering faith and determination, Dawid embarks on a transformative journey to carve his own destiny in the unforgiving world. Guided by the wise and dedicated mentorship of Uncle Skip, he learns about the incredible power of a strong will and an unrelenting quest for identity that transcends social boundaries.

Dawid Soeker by Carl Davis
Carl Davis, Author, Speaker, and Pastor

About the author

Carl James Davis

Meet Carl Davis, an inspiring and creative force! He is not only a celebrated preacher, savvy businessman, and learned academic but also a boundary-pushing writer.

With nearly 40 books on Amazon, he is a literary marvel. His wisdom and depth stem from his international studies and extensive teaching experience. His fiction touches your soul and makes you laugh from your belly. He weaves characters that immerse you in their dreams, desires, and triumphs.

"Prepare to be moved, inspired, and forever transformed by Carl Davis' fiction and non-fiction alike."


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Dawid Soeker, by Carl Davis, available in multiple formats


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